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Write a program to split one linked list into two list

struct node
               int data;
               struct node *link;

               void create_list()
               char ch;
                               struct node *temp;
                                              temp=new node;
                                              cout<<"enter data:--";
                                              struct node *temp,*ptr;
                                              temp=new node;
                                              cout<<"enter data:-";

                               cout<<"do u want to continue(y/n):-";

               void spilt()
                               struct node *ptr;
                               int count=0,temp=0;
                                              cout<<" No linked list";
                               else if(start->link==NULL)
                                              cout<<"Can't split node because only one node in linked list";
                                              }//end of while
                               int count1=1;
                                              while(ptr!=NULL && count1!=temp)
                                              }//end of while
                 }//end of function

                void full_display()
                               struct node *ptr;
                               cout<<"linked list is="<<endl;
                               }//end of while loop

               void first_display()
                               struct node *ptr;
                               cout<<"the first linked list is"-"<<endl;
                                              cout<<" "<<ptr->data<<" ";
                               }//end of while loop
               }//end of function

               void second_display()
                               struct node *ptr1;
                               cout<<"second linked list ="<<endl;
                                              cout<<" "<<ptr1->data<<" ";
                               }//end of while loop
               }//end of function

void main()
               int choice;
               int n,loc,c=0;
               cout<<" press 1. create linked list"<<endl;
               cout<<" press 2. display linked list"<<endl;
               cout<<" press 3. the first linked list is"<<endl;
               cout<<" press 4. the second linked list is"<<endl;
               cout<<" press 5. spilt a linked list"<<endl;
               cout<<" press 6. EXIT"<<endl;
                               cout<<" enter your choice:-";
               case 1:

               case 2:
               case 3:
               case 4:
               case 5:
                               cout<<"A linked list divided into two part"<<endl;
               case 6:
                               cout<<"try again";
               }//END OF SWITCH CASE

               }//END OF WHILE
Write a program to split one linked list into two list Write a program to split one linked list into two list Reviewed by Shobhit Goel on September 20, 2015 Rating: 5

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